Inductor Types Inductors perform a number of different styles of function within a circuit. Some types can be used for filtering and removing spikes on power lines, others are used within high performance filters. Others may be used within oscillators, and there are many other areas where inductors can be used. As a result of this, there are many different types of inductor that can be obtained. Size, frequency, current, value, and many other factors means that there is a whole host of different types and forms of inductor. Inductor basics Although there are many different types of inductor, they all comply with the same basic laws of nature. Each inductor sets up a magnetic field around the conductor and also has a certain reactance. The basic parameters are used within the inductor, whatever type it is. Note on Inductance: Inductance is one of the basic factors that affect electrical circuits. Any wire or coil has a certain inductance associated with it which...